Swag Team Super Heroes (STSH) it's a comic saga that explains the adventures of a group of superheroes, the "Swag Team", while they defeats
villains around the city of Pescara. How long is this saga ?
The STSH saga is 11 comics long, that contain the events of a single narrative arc, called "The Narrator's arc" . Every comic has a story of its own, but the events of the various comics are connected by some narrative strands. Until now, i've made 9 complete stories out of 11, so yes, i still have work to do. How did the idea of making a saga came out ?
After i created "Swag Team Super Heroes in: Triple Attack" (read why i'm making comics if you don't), i suddenly had the urge of creating another comic. Then another. And then another one. Having a lot of made comics and a lot of ideas in my head, i began to connect the events of the various comics more and more, thus finding myself faced with the inevitable choice of creating a saga. What's original in this saga ?
Except the "Swag team", composed by boy or girl versions of dc and marvel superheroes, everything in this saga, from the stories to the plot twists, from the antiheroes to the villains is original. But in the succession of the comics, even the "Swag Team" will be evolved in something more original, from the design, to the super powers. Oh, almost forgot... there are a lot references in my comics: references to videogames, Paperinik's comics, movies, anime, ecc ecc. "Why did you have to put these references?", you might ask. Well, i putted them because i wanted it. Are you going to show this saga here ?
Well, no. I made a youtube channel for showing the comics of the STSH saga. This website is only for knowing a bit better and leak some juicy information about the entirety of my saga, especially the original parts created by me. The name of the channel is "Pigmeo Comics". Go visit it! (and maybe subscribe to it too, please :) You write your comics in italian, right? so, for us english people, how can we read your comics ?
Dont' worry, whoever that could ask this question. I make subtitles to my videos, so you can translate it to english and enjoy all my channel's content.